What Is This Charity?

The streets and woods are full of cats here. Some are feral but many are dumped by owners who just couldn't do it any more. The county is busy rounding them up and calling them dangerous, labeling them all as feral and wild. I have saved a lot of these cats already and most of them are NOT feral. They just need a home; they need to be fixed; they need their shots. I am building a safehouse here where I can keep the ones I can't find homes for!
I CAN SAVE THESE CATS!! All I need is your support.

Who I Am

I am an animal lover, through and through.  I also love people so don't accuse me of putting animals first but I do think that animals need protectors.  Some people are just evil and they hurt animals for sadistic reasons and some people are just self centered and put themselves ahead of the welfare of others.  But most people are loving, caring human beings who wouldn't hurt a fly.  Not everyone can help when help is needed and I get this.  I don't expect everyone to share my views.  But my love for animals has put me in the middle of the action on a daily basis.  I am just there it seems.  And things happen.  I am able to be the person who saves these cats.  Rather than watch them get caged and dragged off to the gas chamber, I want to give them a home.  I can offer a permanent home or they can be adopted by loving people; I am open to both avenues.  But I just want them to be safe.  I don't eat meat or use animal based products because my lifestyle would be out of step with my heart if I did that.  But I don't point fingers, I want you to know that.  If you want to help, you are an angel in my book.  I don't judge.  I am also there for people too and give generously of my time and money in areas where children and young women are victimized.  Suffering of any kind moves me deeply.  So this is who I am.  And now you know what I am doing and why.


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